What are Piles (Hemorrhoids)?
Piles are lamps inside and around your anus. They frequently get better on their own after a couple of days. There are things you can do to treat and forestall piles.What causes piles?
Piles are enlarged blood vessels. It's not clear what causes piles.Things that make piles almost certain are:
- Constipation
- Pushing too hard when pooing
- Heavy lifting
- Pregnancy
Sumptoms of piles.
- Bright red blood after you poo
- Itchy anus
- Feeling like you still need to poo after going to the latrine
- Lamps around your anus.
- Pain arount your anus.
Prevention or Treatment of piles
Do's- Drink lots of liquid and eat a lot of fiber to keep your poo soft.
- Wipe your anus with damp bathroom tissue.
- Take paracetamol if piles hurt.
- Clean up to ease agony.
- Use an ice pack enveloped by a towel to ease inconvenience.
- Gentely push a piles back inside.
- keep your anus clean and dry.
- Do not wipe too hard your anus after pooing.
- Do not push too hard when pooing.
- Do not take ibuprofen if your piles are bleeding.
- Do not spend more time than you need on the latrine
Medical treatment for piles
A pharmacist can propose:
- Creams to ease the pain, itching and swelling.
- Treatment to help constipation and soften poo.
- Cold packs to ease discomfort.
- Many drug stores have private regions to be overheard.
Consult a doctor if:
- You have symptoms of piles and they are not getting well in 7 days of treatment at home.
- You keep getting piles
- You notice a change around your anus that isn't normal for you.
Hospital treatment for piles
If there is no improvement to your piles after home treatments, you may need hospital treatment.
Talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you. Treatment does not always prevent piles coming back.
Treatment without medical procedure (Surgery)
Common hospital treatments include:
Rubber band ligation: a band is put around your piles to make them drop offSclerotherapy: A fluid is infused into your piles to make them recoil (Shrink)
Electrotherapy: A gentle electric current is applied to your piles to make them shrink
Infrared coagulation: An infrared light is used to cut the blood supply to your piles to make them shrink
You'll be awake for this type of treatment, but the area will be numbed.
You should be able to go home on the same day.
If these treatments do not work, you may need surgery to remove your piles.
Medical procedure (Surgery)
Careful medicines include:Haemorrhoidectomy: Your piles are cut out.
Stapled haemorrhoidopexy: Your piles are stapled back inside your anus.
Haemorrhoidal conduit ligation: Stitches are used to cut the blood supply to your piles to make them shrink
You'll usually need to be asleep for this type of treatment and may need to stay in hospital for more than 1 day.